TOTAL ART is a peer-reviewed journal that seeks to establish a dynamic forum for interdisciplinary discourse grounded in the arts. We are committed to nurturing new ways of understanding and interrogating work that crosses the practice-theory lines endemic to traditional academic and artistic worlds. The journal takes its name from Alan Kaprow’s 1958 essay, “Notes on the Creation of a Total Art,” and sees performance, understood as a broad category of analysis, as central to the post-disciplinarity at stake in the concept of a Kaprowian “Total Art.” Grounded in local attention, performance here names an approach rather than a discrete artistic practice – an approach that brings with it new ways of doing work at the intersections of art/life, theory/practice, and academia/activism. Total Art journal issues are built around special-edited thematic clusters and invited contributions. Each is edited by one or several members of the editorial collective or by invited external editors working in consultation with the editorial collective.